Faq Key Ingredient Recipe 385

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FAQ | Key Ingredient Recipe - (3.8/5) image

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  • Key Ingredient is your visual recipe library. Find, create, collect, and share all your favorite recipes. We make recipes social! If you do not have a Facebook or Twitter account, or you would prefer not to join through those accounts, feel free to Sign Up for KeyIngredinet.com with your email address and a unique password. If you haven't received your confirmation email to join Key Ingredient, our Customer Service Specialists will be happy to activate your account for you. Please send us your email address used to set up your keyingredient.com account to help@keyingredient.com or contact us via our If you forgot the password or email address used with your Key Ingredient account, please send an email to Customer Service at help@keyingredient.com or contact us via our Adding Recipes 6. How do I add a typed recipe to my cookbooks? The best way to add a typed recipe to your Keyingredient.com account is to copy/paste it. 1. Copy the entire recipe from your Text or Document file (including the Title, Ingredients, Directions, Serving size, etc.), 4. Type "www.keyingredient.com/import/ into your address bar and click return on your Keyboard. 8. You can then copy/paste the directions of your recipe into the directions box. The recipe is now added to your account. You will then also have the option on the right side of screen to "Add to cookbook" and store the recipe in an existing cookbook or create a new one for it. 7. How do I create a new recipe and add it to a cookbook? To create a new recipe, select "New Recipe" from the Collect Tab. On the one-page form, please type in the recipe's title, ingredients, directions, etc. and press the "Save" button. To add this new recipe to a Cookbook, click the "Add to Cookbook" button on the right side of the recipe page. To save a recipe from Key Ingredient into your cookbooks, click on the name or photo to open the recipe you would like to save. Then select the "Add to Cookbook" button to save this recipe to an existing or new cookbook. Go to the recipe web site of your choosing, navigate to the recipe you would like to import, and click your new "Cookmark" button. The recipe will be added to your Recipe Library automatically! Please note: It is the responsibility of our members to make sure that they do not post content that violates the copyrights of others. Members must agree to our Yes, there is a way to use the Cookmark on your iPad. Please contact our Customer Service Specialists at help@keyingredient.com or via our Live Help service for additional information. The nutritional information on our website is supplied by KeyIngredient.com members. Unfortunately, our website does not have the technology to analyze and provide this info automatically. The best place to add the nutritional information to recipes is in the Description section. To assist in analyzing the nutritional content of published recipes, our website has a great tool called the "Cookmark." This feature allows you to browse the web and add recipes to your account with a click of the button. If another website has provided the nutritional content of a recipe, then this info will be transferred into your Key Ingredient account. To install the "Cookmark" button, 15. How do I add a photo to my recipe? First, open the recipe you would like to add a photo to. Next, hover your mouse over the recipe's default "No Photo" image, then click "Edit this Recipe" when that option pops up. Press the "Select File" button to add your picture. If you are using an image from another website, please list the photo's original source on your recipe in the description field. Another requirement to view images is to have Flash installed on your computer. Do you see the gray "Select File" button next to "Picture"? If the "Select File" box is not visible, you may need to install Flash on your computer before you can add or view images. The Adobe Flash Player is a free download, available at: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. 16. How do I add tags to my recipe? First, open the recipe you would like to add a tag to. Next, hover your mouse over the recipe's image, then click "Edit this Recipe" when that option pops up. In the Tags box, type in keywords that describe your recipe, separated by commas. 18. How do I add nutritional information to my recipe? To add nutritional information to a recipe in your KeyIngredient.com account, find and open the recipe you would like to edit. Next, hover your mouse over the recipe photo, then click "Edit this Recipe" when that option pops up. The best place to add the nutritional information to a recipe is in the Description section. 19. How do I add a new cookbook to my library? To add a new Cookbook to your KeyIngredient.com Library, please sign into your account and select your user icon tab (located in the top right hand corner of account screen). A drop down menu will appear, please select "Cookbooks". Press the "New" button (under Cookbooks) and type in the name of your new Cookbook. Press "Create" to save your changes. To search for recipes stored in your Key Ingredient account, navigate to your cookbooks library. Enter your search terms in the "Cookbook Search" window, then press the Enter button on your Keyboard. Recipes can be found by ingredients or tags. To increase your search options, feel free to add Tags to your recipes. To manage and organize the recipes in your KeyIngredient.com Library, please sign into your account and select your user icon tab (located in the top right hand corner of account screen). A drop down menu will appear, please select "Cookbooks." The Library will list your recipes alphabetically. You can add multiple recipes from your Library to the cookbook of your choice at once. Simply check mark the small white square before the recipe or recipes that you'd like to add to a specific Cookbook. Then click the "Add to Cookbook" button located on the top of your account's screen. To make text within your recipe bold, surround it with 2 stars * (like To make text within your recipe in italics, surround it with 2 underscores _ (like To underline text in the directions field, surround it with 2 pluses + (like The spell check feature is available through various internet browsers. These browsers will place a dotted red line under a word that is misspelled. You might consider switching internet browsers if the current one you are using does not have that feature. To delete the preloaded recipes that come with your Demy, please contact us at help@KeyIngredient.com and we will remove the preloaded recipes from your account. Please note, the preloaded recipes on the Demy are bundled together and can only be removed as a group. If there are any preloaded recipes that you would like to keep, please search for them by name on KeyIngredient.com's "Recipe Search" feature and add them to your The new wifi Recipe Reader has the option to remove the preloaded recipes automatically from the "Account Manager" screen and can be quickly removed or added by selecting or deselecting "Preloaded Recipes". To email a recipe to yourself or to a friend, please sign into your account and find and open the recipe you would like to email. Next, press the Share icon button located below the recipe's title and description. It is the middle icon of the three icons listed. A drop down box will appear, select "Email" from the list. Enter the name and Email address of the recipient, feel free to customize your message. Then press the "Send Recipe!" button. To ask a question or make a comment on a recipe, please sign into your Key Ingredient account. Comments can be posted on your personal recipes, as well as any "Public" recipe. Type your question or comment into the "Comment" box. Click the "Publish" button to save your changes. To invite your friends and family to join Key Ingredient, please sign into your Keyingredient account and select your user icon (located in top right hand corner of account screen). A drop down menu will appear, please select "Profile", then "Edit Profile". Select the "Invite" tab and enter your friends' and family members' email addresses on the Invite Form and press the "Send Invite!" button. To follow someone on Key Ingredient, please sign into your Keyingredient account and locate the member you would like to "Follow". You can search for them by email address or name with the home page search bar. Here you can select Recipes, Hash Tags or People for your search, in this case please select "People" and enter their name or email address, then press the "Enter" or Return" button on your keyboard. Locate the user you'd like to "Follow" from the list and click to open, then select the "+Follow" button to follow the user selected. You can now view this members "Public" recipes. The member you just followed will receive an email showing you are now following them. Once they follow you back you will both be able to view each other's recipes set to Friends and Family" and "Public". 39. How can I add my friend's cookbook to my library? At this time, your Friend's recipes can only be added into your Library one recipe at a time. Yes, Key Ingredient is the maker of the Free RecipeGrazer App that can be used to view and save your favorite recipes. With the updated App, your recipes are now backed up to Keyingredient.com and are available on any computer or mobile device! The Key Ingredient Recipe Reader is the first digital recipe reader that can hold your entire recipe collection in a sleek, compact, kitchen-safe device. With a high-resolution color touchscreen, an uncluttered interface and many special tools, the Recipe Reader makes any cook's job easier. The Recipe Reader was created to meet the demands of a busy kitchen. Its splash-resistant design and sturdy plastic exterior make it easy to clean. Spills and smudges easily wipe off the sealed touchscreen with a damp cloth. The Recipe Reader has been tested to withstand splashes, but should never be submerged or placed under running water. No special cloth or liquid is required to clean your Recipe Reader, a soft, damp cloth will work fine. Please note, your Recipe Reader should never be submerged or placed in standing or under running water. Yes, with your new Recipe Reader you can quickly add or remove the preloaded recipes on the Recipe Reader's "Account Manager" page. To get there from your Cookbooks, please press the "More" button, then "Options." Press the "Account Manager" button and touch the box to the left of "Preloaded recipes" to add or remove them. Yes, the Recipe Reader has been tested safe for normal kitchen use. However, like most electrical kitchen appliances, it should not be submerged or placed under running or in standing water. How can I add David Venable's Recipes to my Recipe Reader? David Venable's recipes can be found on www.keyingredient.com and added into your Recipe Library. To find David's recipes, type "David" into the Search field at the top of the Home Page (just to the right of the magnifying glass). Press on the Recipe Card icon in the right of the Search field and a drop down menu will appear. Select the "people" icon in the search bar and press the Enter/Return button on your Keyboard. After you have added new recipes into your www.keyingredient.com account on your computer, please sync your Recipe Reader to reflect the changes. Next, press the "Options" button then the "Account Manager" button. On the "Account Manager" page, please enter your email address and password that you use on www.keyingredient.com and press the "Sync Now" button. The Recipe Reader's screen will turn dark with a "Syncing" message. After the screen returns to the "Account Manager," please press the "More" button on the lower right corner. Then press the "Cookbooks" button to return to your Cookbook Library and see your newly added cookbooks and recipes. For additional assistance, please contact Key Ingredient's Customer Service Specialists. We are happy to assist you Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm Central Time via Live Chat, via email at help@keyingredient.com or at 512-462-4996, Option 2. cord for your Recipe Reader at any electronics store. Just make sure to ask for a high speed 2.0 For additional assistance on To delete recipes, first sign into your KeyIngredient.com account. Hover your mouse over your User Name and select the "Cookbooks" Tab. The "Cookbooks" page is the best place to manage your recipes and cookbooks. Next, find the recipe you would like to delete and check the box to the left of the recipe title. Next, please press the "Options" button. On the Options Page, please press the "Account Manager" button. On the "Account Manager" page, please enter your email address and password that you use on keyingredient.com and press the "Sync Now" button. The Recipe Reader's screen will turn dark with a "Syncing" message. After the screen returns to the "Account Manager," please press the "More" button on the lower right corner. Then press the "Cookbooks" button to return to your Cookbook Library and see your newly added cookbooks and recipes. For additional assistance, please contact Key Ingredient's Customer Service Specialists. They are happy to assist you Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm Central Time via Live Chat, via email at help@keyingredient.com or at 512-462-4996, Option 2. The Recipe Reader is powered by www.keyingredient.com, the best site on the internet for you to find, create, share and collect your recipes. Membership is free and getting started is easy. To get started, sign up for a free account at Key Ingredient. Once you have a Key Ingredient account, you can log in and begin adding recipes. There are several ways to add recipes to www.keyingredient.com. You can add recipes through the Add new recipe page on the Key Ingredient site by typing them in directly, or by cutting and pasting the recipe's text into the Import recipe page from Word, Notepad (on Windows) or TextEdit (on Macs). You can also use our Cookmark to import recipes you find on other web sites. Keyingredient.com has over 1.5 million recipes that you can Add to your personal cookbooks or Save to your Favorites folder. Next, please press the "Options" button. On the Options Page, please press the "Account Manager" button. On the "Account Manager" page, please enter your email address and password that you use on keyingredient.com and press the "Sync Now" button. The Recipe Reader's screen will turn dark with a "Syncing" message. After the screen returns to the "Account Manager," please press the "More" button on the lower right corner. Then press the "Cookbooks" button to return to your Cookbook Library and see your newly added cookbooks and recipes. For additional assistance with syncing, please contact Key Ingredient's Customer Service Specialists. They are happy to assist you Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm Central Time via Live Chat, via email at help@keyingredient.com or at 512-462-4996, Option 2.

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