Delicious and convenient, this baked-pasta dish is an irresistible all-in-one dinner. The Greek flavors in this dish are great with a fresh salad like our recipe for Fennel with Parsley, Parmesan, and...
This is a kind of meat pie that would have been eaten during the Middle Ages (700-1450) in Europe. Feel free to play around with the spices and substitute things such as cardamom, allspice, nutmeg, etc....
A flavorful combination of chicken, Chardonnay, olives, mushrooms, artichoke, and spices for a delightful meal with your sweetheart. Serve promptly while warm as a main dish or optionally over a bed of...
Make this delicious, flavorful, chicken pot (no pie) pie in your Instant Pot® pressure cooker. Not necessary to pre-saute the chicken or onions. No crust, wheat free, gluten free. Serve in bowls.